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Building Robust APIs with NestJS: A Developer's Guide


By Avalith Editorial Team ♦ 1 min read



The world of creating robust APIs with NestJS is both captivating and demanding. NestJS stands as a powerful and expressive Node.js framework that instills structure into backend development. In this concise and practical API guide, we will provide you a solid grasp of crafting APIs using Node.js and NestJS, equipping you to develop server-side applications.

The process of creating and designing large-scale applications can be quite daunting, particularly when executed without a well-planned structure and a rigorous code organization strategy. To ensure a successful outcome, it is imperative to steer clear of these problems, as they can lead to maintenance nightmares. 

Such challenges often arise from ongoing codebase modifications and the integration of new features as your project scales with an expanding user base. To proactively address these issues, it is crucial to understand how to leverage Nest.js to provide effective solutions for maintaining code structure and a robust organizational strategy.

What is Nest.js?

NestJS is a framework designed for creating scalable and reliable APIs and server-side applications. It draws inspiration from two powerful sources: Express.js, a minimalistic Node.js web application framework, and Angular, a popular front-end framework.

So, Nest.js leverages TypeScript to empower developers in building robust and efficient applications. With a good grasp of Nest.js, you can craft your applications effectively. This framework comes equipped with a suite of tools to handle various aspects of development, including data persistence, validation, configuration management, testing, and more.

Nest.js offers seamless integration with a wide range of databases and authentication systems by default. For additional functionality, it can be extended using a diverse array of third-party modules. Furthermore, it seamlessly integrates testing and debugging tools, making the testing of application code easier.

3 Steps to Get Started with Nest.js

Ensuring you have the necessary tools in place is always a crucial first step when using NestJS. Let's walk you through the process of getting started with Nest.js in 3 simple steps:

  1. Install Node.js: Before you dive into Nest.js, make sure you have Node.js installed on your system. If you do not, you can easily install it using Homebrew.

  2. Set Up Nest.js for Your Project: To kickstart your Nest.js journey, you need to set up the Nest CLI (Command Line Interface) globally on your computer. You can do this by using npm, Yarn, or pnpm, depending on your preference.

  3. Create Your First Nest.js Project: With Nest.js, understanding the project structure is essential. NestJS follows a modular architecture, which simplifies code organization. Inside the 'src' folder, you will find the 'main.ts' file, serving as the entry point of your application. Additionally, the 'app.module.ts' file acts as the root module of your application, where you define your APIs.


Setting Up Your Project

To begin with, open your integrated development environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio Code (VS Code), which is a free, customizable, and lightweight option. Once your workspace is ready, you will find the following key elements in your project:

  • Node_modules: This folder houses your project's dependencies.

  • src/: This directory contains the core files of your application.

  • test/: NestJS recommends placing your end-to-end tests in this directory.

  • Boilerplate files: These files are used for package management, TypeScript configuration, and static code checking.

  • .gitignore: This file specifies which files and directories should be ignored by Git.

  • nest-cli.json: This is the configuration file for the Nest CLI.

  • README.md: Your project's README file.

  • tsconfig.json: This file contains the TypeScript configuration for your project.

With your workspace properly configured, it is time to launch the development server and witness your initial progress. In your terminal, execute the command to run the project and start your Nest.js application.

By default, the project includes an AppModule and an AppController, but you have the flexibility to modify these or create new ones to tailor your project to its specific requirements. In summary, Controllers handle incoming requests, and modules help organize the components of your application.


How to Create APIs

When it comes to creating APIs, controllers play a pivotal role as they are responsible for managing requests and responses to and from clients. Additionally, the routing mechanism determines which controller handles a given request.

To get started, it is important to note that the following command adds the user module to the main module of your application. For creating a basic controller, you can use the following command: $ nest generate controller user/controller.

This command will generate a basic controller complete with the @Controller ('user') decorator, which specifies the 'user' prefix. This prefix enables you to group related routes and reduce code duplication. Furthermore, NestJS equips you with a variety of methods such as @Get, @Post, @Put(), @Delete(), @Patch(), and @All() to streamline API development.

Foundations of Application Architecture in Nest.js

Nest.js adopts a component-based approach to simplify the organization and maintenance of application code. The application is structured into modules that house components, controllers, and their corresponding services. Leveraging TypeScript, you can harness a range of features, including static types, classes, inheritance, improved code readability, interfaces, and decorators. Key elements within the application architecture include:

Modules: These are collections of components, drivers, and services that collaborate to accomplish specific tasks.

Controllers: tResponsible for handling incoming HTTP requests and producing responses. Each controller is assigned to specific paths, ensuring they only handle requests that match their designated path.

Services: Contain the business logic of the application and can be implemented in controllers or other service classes. Services are employed to interact with databases and perform tasks unrelated to presentation logic.

Pipes: Used to transform or validate data entering or exiting the application. They can be applied to controller method arguments or input/output values in HTTP requests and responses.

Guards: Safeguard paths against unauthorized access and verify user permissions for accessing specific routes or performing specific actions.

Middleware: Code executed between the arrival of a request and the execution of the corresponding controller. Middleware serves various purposes, including authentication and data validation prior to controller execution.

Decorators: These are applied to classes, methods, or properties to modify their behavior. Nest.js offers a variety of predefined decorators.

In summary, building APIs with NestJS is a potent strategy for creating robust and scalable web applications. The modular architecture of NestJS allows the creation of highly testable and maintainable codes. If you require additional information or developer support, please visit our website. We are backed by a team of seasoned professionals in IT, data analysis, and innovation, dedicated to enhancing your software development endeavors.

